Sunday, March 27, 2011

Awesome philosophical-ness.

Here's a random trick question that'll give you a headache.

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object?

If the force moves the object, then it is not unmovable. If the force doesn’t, the force is not unstoppable.

So, think about it. Keep thinking. Do ya have a headache yet?

ANSWER: This situation can never happen, as if there is an unstoppable force, there couldn’t be an unmovable object and vice versa. More interestingly, there can never be an unmovable object. An unmovable object would have to have infinite inertia, and therefore infinite mass. Infinite mass cannot exist in our finite universe, therefore an unmovable object cannot exist.

I am way to young to be as into psychology/philosophy as I am. Seriously. Guess what I've been thinking about?

Existence. RenĂ© Descartes' famous quote : I think, therefore I am. 

That means that you would always think, no matter what. Which means, if you are, for example, unconscious, then you are either thinking, or you don't exist. 

I don't know if unconscious people think, so that might not be a valid argument. 

Well, how about a dead person? Dead people don't think, so does that mean they don't exist? Well, actually, I guess they don't exist, at least, not in the way living people do. But can't people live on? Like, if you wrote a book, and people 50 years after you died read it, do you still exist? Technically, you do. You don't exist exist, physically, but you are there. Your words, what you created exists. Do that mean you exist?

Which brings me to two other questions. 1) Do fictional characters exist? They don't think, so does that mean they don't exist? That they aren't? 2) (A question I actually got from Supernatural, but it made me think.) Can you live without a soul?

So, let's tackle the first one. Being a writer, this question makes me think. Let's take Harry Potter, for example. Does he exist? In our world, no, he doesn't. He isn't a living, breathing, thinking thing. Does he do the thinking? No. But, then again, neither does a glass or a chair. But do they exist? Yes. They do. They don't think, but they are.

This is all assuming that Descartes was right. And, maybe he only meant "I" as in person, living, breathing, in the 'now'. Not objects, not people who aren't alive.

Anyway, let's tackle the next one. Can you live without a soul? First, we would have to assume that there's A) Soul - personality, emotions, etc., and B) Mind/body - physical feelings (Like, getting a cut or cramp; physical pain) thoughts, etc. 

If you look at it that way, then, yes, you technically could live; eat, breathe, etc. 

What about thoughts? They come from who you are, how you feel, what you see. So, would those be part of your personality? 

Well, I guess we can assume that there are two types of thoughts: Logical thinking, and emotional thinking.

Logical thinking would be, for example, 2+2=4. You could figure that out without a personality. 

Emotional thinking would be, "I like", "I hate", etc. Basically, its how you feel about what you observe about your surroundings. 

So, there's just something for you to think about. I know I do :D

Ok, well, that's all, folks.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Free Web Hit Counter By CSS HTML Tutorial

Wow, it been a while!
Well, right now, I'm awaiting a couple of contest results.
One for a writing contest and one for DeviantArt.
So yeah.

Anyway... Well, not much is going on. I had a really crappy day.


Ok. Bye. Until next time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Meh.... I really should be updating my Quizilla and/or DeviantArt..... Oh well. Yay for procrastination!!....

I am currently rocking out to AC/DC :)

Hmm... well, I don't really have much to talk about... Other than one thing today (which has a huge backstory, and I'm not gonna bother to explain it), it was pretty uneventful. We did take the Mock TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) Test, math, and ir was easy! And once we all finished, we were playing ninja with my SS teacher :) It was FUUUN....

And i got to miss math and PE classes... so thats cool too.... (HAHA AWSOME I DONT LIKE THOSE CLASSES)

Anyway, I must to go, because those are my people and they are calling me and I must go to my people.....


Monday, February 14, 2011


It is Monday. I do not like Mondays.

Mondays do not like me either.

It's also Valentines Day. Or Singles Awareness Day.


Bleh.... It should be warm again this week (I live in El Paso, and its usually warm... but the past two weeks its been below freezing!) But that means we will go back to a regular P.E. schedule, which I don't want.

In addition to Quizilla (Which I think I posted the link to in my previous post), I also have a DeviantArt. I discovered Photoshop a while back, and I have become addicted :)

It a lot of fun.

Yeah... well, I'll probably post after school also, but I'm bored and tired and ready to go to school. It's 6:44. I don't go to school until about... 7:20...


So, I had to do an essay for my English class. I have it all typed up and pretty, and am turning it in today. The topic was:

Knowledge is Power and Having knowledge deems you more civilized than those who don't.

What are your thoughts?

Ok, well, until next time (Which will probably be after school....) GOOD BYE :D

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Ok, I felt like getting a blog. So I did....

I'll start by telling you a little about myself. I'm 13, and I'm an 8th grader. I'm in AP (advanced placement) Science and Math. I don't really like math. I love English, but Humanities isn't really a good program for actually learning stuff. I love to write. Like, I was born with a paper and pencil in my hand, writing. I also love to read. Like, ALOT.

My school has 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Its a good school, for the most part. There aren't any cliques, and being on the football team doesn't make you any more or less popular. The lunch food is yummy, and the teachers are awesome. So, yeah, I think I have it good.

My favorite TV show is Supernatural, but I watch alot more anime than I do regular TV.

Hmm.... let's see... I play the flute, and very little piano...

I hate drama. ALOT. I avoid it at any costs. I hate what is does to people.

Sometimes I have random conversations with myself. Its a writer thing.

I love ANY kind of music. I grew up on country, but I like almost any kind!!

I live with my mom and grandma.

Umm... well, I think I am done telling you about myself. Its Saturday, so we'll see what tomorrow holds.

If you like Supernatural also, I'm writing a fanfic. You can check it out here: